Foods to Boost the Third Eye

Want to increase your intuition about which foods will balance your chakras and balance your life?
The Third Eye Chakra, the 6th chakra, gives us insight, premonitions, psychic abilities. Through the Third Eye Chakra you may connect to the higher self to seek and receive inner guidance. Your psychic and telepathic abilities may become heightened, and you’ll be able to trust your inner wisdom.

Signs of an unbalanced Third Eye Chakra include emotional or mental issues such as fuzzy thinking or confusion, or physical issues such as headaches, sinusitis, vision problems, nightmares, and anxiety disorders. Addictions to foods, and issues with weight, can be directly related to the Third Eye Chakra, especially when we’re addicted to foods that stimulate the brain with sugar and caffeine, such as colas and chocolate.

When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, we have an ability to think clearly, trust our inner wisdom and have a healthy reliance on our intuitive powers.

Third Eye Chakra balance is intimately tied into the health of the pineal gland, which controls our entire hormonal system. It also oversees the brain, and is directly linked to our moods through our thoughts and working of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin. If you overeat or make poor food choices when you’re over-stressed or in a bad mood, you’ll want to seek other ways to soothe yourself such as yoga and meditation.

Third Eye Chakra Healing Foods: The Third Eye Chakra vibrates to the color indigo, a dark purplish blue. Purple foods such as grapes, blueberries, blackberries and raisins not only resonate with a similar color, but they contain antioxidants known as anthocyanidins that protect the brain and nervous system from stress. Red wine, in moderation, is touted for its health benefits.

Other purple foods that nourish the Third Eye Chakra include eggplant, purple cabbage, purple kale, purple potatoes or sweet potatoes, as well as all types of stimulating spices.

Chocolate, unless you’re a sugar addict (which is more common than you might think) can help revive a brain taxed by overthinking or overuse of psychic skills – savor a small piece of dark chocolate, chewing it slowly and consciously, for best effect.

 Foods: raw cacao, goji berries, cilantro, watermelon, bananas, Honey, Coconut Oil, hemp seeds, seaweed, and noni juice.

 Raw apple cider vinegar* (Contains malic acid. Take a lot of it. Make sure it’s raw, as that is very important. Braggs is the best brand) Everyday I fill a 1 Quart Mason jar with Ionized Alkaline water, 8 tablespoons of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 tablespoons of raw, local honey. This has so many benefits aside from the pineal gland!

Pineal gland detoxifiers and stimulants: Hydrilla Verticillata, Chlorella, Spirulina, blue-green algae, Iodine, Zeolite, ginseng, borax, D3, Bentonite clay, chlorophyll, blue skate liver oil.

Avoid all things fluoride: Tap water, cooking with tap water, fluoridated toothpaste, inorganic fruits and vegetables, showers with out filter, red meat, and any sodas and artificial food and drinks. I know how difficult it can be to stick to only organic fruit and vegetable but it is important to start where you are and begin to make those changes where it is possible.
