Enjoy this amazing documentary about Soul Healing Miracles with Dr. and Master Sha
To apply Soul Healing Techniques is to benefit not just the physical body but the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well. I have experienced many transformations within all of these aspects of my life. I am able to have more intelligent relationships, more of an understanding why I have challenges in my life and more.
Soul Healing has brought me to a greater awareness of how my body and emotions are linked to my soul and when I give my soul the authority to heal I find that I am functioning at a higher frequency and vibration that allows me to fully experience life!
My most favorite experience with Soul Healing has been my heart center expansion. I am honored to share my blessings of heart center expansion with you.
I am offering a 2 minute Tao Love Jin Dan Blessing to you for opening your Heart Center.....Blessing Start.......my soul is chanting for you...sit and relax for two minutes.
Visualize a Golden Light Ball rotating counterclockwise in your message center.
Tao Love Jin Dan
Tao Love Jin Dan
Tao Love Jin Dan
Tao Love Jin Dan
Hao! Hao! Hao! means get well in Mandarin. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Opening the Heart Center will bring your soul to have a more open relationship with Divine and your Heaven's Team. It is truly an amazing experience to have a more of a connection to Divine and our own soul. I love you! Be Light Be love!
Please share your experiences with me as we continue on our soul healing journey together.