It wasn't until I heard the Love Peace and Harmony Soul Song that Master Sha had sung in Hilo on June 21, 2012 at his free Soul Healing Miracle evening. That day brought so much light and love into my life. That day was the day I found my spiritual father, the one who has been so generous and loving to me, so supportive beyond my comprehension.
So when I found out Master Sha has offered Soul Dance events my soul is beyond blessed! I am so honored to have the dance flow through my being when I connect to the music and all that is. To be able to connect and deeply feel the love that Divine and the music that Master Sha brings forth is amazing. Enjoy this video and ask for a blessing, you can receive miracle healing as you just watch and listen. I love you!
I know deep in my heart that the Soul Song, Soul Dance retreats, blessings, wisdom, knowledge has truly saved my life. This type of soul healing gives me deep honor to serve in this way, so all souls will know the love of Master Sha and Divine. Soul Dance has helped me to balance my emotions when I needed to. Soul dance has brought new life into all that I am, all that I see and feel. Soul Dance has restored and renewed all my senses, my thoughts, my beliefs, my feelings. Open you heart to receive the blessings of Soul Dance and Soul Song. Open your heart to be one with all that is. I love you!