Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Master Sha and Adam Markel... Soul Over Matter

I LOVE this!!!
How powerful this wisdom is! 

I am amazed that we are so blessed to have these powerful leaders to help us to clear our financial blockages!!! To learn secret and ancient Soul wisdom and apply it to our life helps us to advance on our own soul journey. It is my honor to share this video with you. The journey that I have been on since meeting Master Sha on the summer soltice in 2012 in Hilo, Hawaii has taught me how to Love!

 To Love myself more, to be Love and radiate this Love to all souls. Also having Love for my finances!!! As Master Sha teaches the heart chakra or message center is where we carry our financial blockages. So to open the heart is to clear blockages for the finances and have more loving relationships at the same time!
I just had a "A Ha" moment when writing this... Thank you Master Sha!

Join Master Sha and Adam in San Diego and your life will never be the same again all for the better!

Have a blessed day! Thank you for being here.
I would like to offer you a blessing to help you open your Third Eye. I am offering Divine Healing Hands blessings to all my readers. If you would like to receive the blessing please send me a quick note through the contact form.


Monday, June 6, 2016

Dr. and Master Sha: Develop First Soul House the Hui Yin Area

Experience the power of Soul to heal your soul, mind and body with Dr. and Master Sha:

You have the power to heal yourself, together we have the power to heal the world! ~ Dr. and Master Sha

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is a soul leader, an extraordinary healer, and a divine servant. Trained as an MD in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada, he created Power Healing and Soul Mind Body Medicine to combine the essence of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with ancient energy and spiritual healing secrets from China.

The founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment, Dr. Sha is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi, qi gong, feng shui, and the I Ching. He was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong. An inspired guide in his Soul Power Series of best-selling books, TV programs, and other teachings and services, Dr. Sha says, "Heal and transform the soul first; then healing and transformation of every aspect of life will follow". In 2006, Dr. Sha was granted the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for his humanitarian efforts.

I consider Master Sha's healing path to be a universal spiritual practice, a journey into genuine transformation.
~ Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center

Here is a powerful blessing from Dr. and Master Sha to expand the energy center or First Soul House

Thank you for connecting with this practice. I hope that you have a miracle experience to boost your first soul house. If you would like to share please connect to Dr. and Master Sha Facebook page and share your experience with others.  You are most loved and blessed!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Creating a Love Peace Harmony World Family

I love the Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony. I use this song in my daily life to transform negative mind sets, attitudes, beliefs, ego, and attachments. I use this song as a tool to help me avoid thinking that may create negative karma for myself and others. When I catch myself having a thought that is not aligned with my heart I immediately chant Love Peace and Harmony. Sometimes it will be the soul language version or the Hawaiian version. I then find myself, my mind in a state of happiness. I feel the smile emerge on my face and my heart open. I then find myself in a state of deepest gratitude knowing that the negative thought has been transformed to Love Peace and Harmony. I am truly grateful because I can remember the many years when I did not have this song in my life and how sad my soul, heart, mind, and body were...

Today I wish all souls can feel the power of this Divine Soul Song..It is truly amazing how much I have been able to transform by just singing these simple words. I want to share this with Everyone!!! Allow yourself 5 to 15 minutes a day to sing this soul song. See how you feel after 5 minutes or create a powerful meditation by invoking the soul of the Divine Soul Song and ask for a blessing. You can use this song for all different aspects of life that need more Love Peace and Harmony.
Use the Four Power Techniques and say Hello!

Dear the Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony
I love you
I honor you
I appreciate you
Will you please offer a blessing for my__________ make your request here.
Thank you!

Now chant silently or aloud with the MP3 or without! 

You are most loved and blessed! Share your experiences on Facebook or twitter with your friends and family! Help Create a Love Peace Harmony World Family and play, chant, sing this powerful Divine Soul Song in all your living spaces!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Creating a Love Peace Harmony World for children and families with Autism

I love children they are most precious! 
It pains my heart to see the suffering of the children around the world and that is why I will now be focusing on expanding Love energy for children with specific needs. 

This week I am excited to offer a Blog Talk Radio show that you can listen to lend your heart and soul and offer Love Peace and Harmony to these children around the world. 

I also offer a special blessing to all those listening at the end of the show! 

Thank you for your service to humanity! Have a blessed day!

Next Week join me for chanting for children with ADHD! 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Create a Love Peace Harmony World!!!

Happy Earth Day!

 Lend your Heart and Soul to Create and Manifest a Love Peace and Harmony World! Today many people gather around the globe to offer Love to Mother Earth. I would like to share a very powerful song that has been released from Heaven to Dr. and Master Sha to share with the Mother Earth and the World. 

When this song played and chanted the frequency and vibration of all souls are uplifted. If invoked in the appropriate way this song offers Divine Soul Healing to your specific request. You can play this song 24-7 in your living space, car, children's bedroom, anywhere! 

This song creates a Love Peace Harmony Field around you and your loved ones. I am so happy to be able to share this with Mother Earth on this day! Happy Earth Day!!!

The invocation can go like this: Say Hello,

Dear the Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony,
I Love you, Honor You, and deeply appreciate you
will you please offer me a blessing to heal and transform my________.
Thank you!

Now sing silently or aloud for 15 minutes
Hao! Hao! Hao! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
(Hao- means perfect or get well in Mandarin)

If you would like to share your experience please comment below and I will offer you a special blessing with a very special treasure I have received from Divine! Thank you for being here!
If you would like to learn more about Love Peace and Harmony and how you can get involved goto:
Here are the lyrics in many different languages as well!
 I love to sing in Hawaiian!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spread Love Peace and Harmony!

Feel the Love in this song that has been brought to humanity by Dr. and Master Sha!