Saturday, December 5, 2015

Sound of Heart and Soul with Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Develop the first energy center or soul house to heal, bless and transform your relationships, your relationships with finances, your energy, stamina, vitality and immunity. Learn simple sacred practices and mantras to develop this important soul house. Having a strong first soul house is to remain calm, centered and unshakable.

As I watched this video and practiced along I could see within my spiritual eye my first energy chakra expanding and filling with so much light. I saw the energy form in this center and then it expanded up through the all my chakras or soul houses filling them with light and energy. I then saw the light expand through out my whole body and then up to my outer chakras. The light went up and down cleansing, expanding, radiating brilliant light. I then could see the dark energy being pushed out of my body and the light replacing the blockages. I feel so blessed. This is a very powerful practice.  I feel very grounded and happy. 

I am honored to share this video with you to help you expand your energy centers. Have a blessed day!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tao Soul Heart Mind Healing & Enlightenment Retreat with Dr. and Master Sha

Hello Dear Ones! It is a great honor to reach out to you once again.

My heart has been with you each and everyday sending you love and light for healing and transformation of all aspects of life.

IN TWO DAYS!!! You are invited to atttend a most amazing retreat starting on Thursday. This extraordinary event happens once a year and this may be the last chance to be in the presence of a Tao Grand Master Dr. and Master Sha.

TAO SOUL HEART MIND HEALING AND ENLIGHTENMENT RETREAT with MASTER SHA on Nov. 12 – 14, live in Honolulu and via webcast.

Are you a seeker of enlightenment? Do you dream of healing stubborn, chronic or serious health challenges? Are you ready to take a giant leap in your soul journey?

For myself, I have experienced the most amazing changes in my life that began to take place since studying with Master Sha. Many positive changes in my life from my family relationships to my finances. I have a joyful and happy life all thanks to the Dr.and Master Sha , Divine Services and Tao Retreats, Soul Enlightenment retreats and many other training programs. I am beyond blessed to have the wisdom that Master Sha brings to humanity! 

 Please take advantage of this exceptional and rare opportunity with Master Sha. To learn more, go to:

See You There!!!! Aloha!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Opening the Third-eye Blessing by Master Sha

Opening the third-eye can bring the light and love from heaven. Learn the spiritual and significant images to help serve humanity, Mother Earth and beyond. We are so blessed to have this blessing on our lives and our spiritual third-eye channel.

Thank you for connecting with me here! Sending Love and Light to you all!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Third Eye and Direct Soul Communication Intensive

Master Francisco explains the key spiritual channels and guides you through a practice to open your spiritual this short video.

Join Master Francisco live in Phoenix, Sep 9-14, Intro to Third Eye and Open Spiritual Channels: Third Eye and Direct Soul Communication Intensive.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ba Gua Tao Source within all of us!

Master Sha's Ba Gua Tao Source Teaching for Healing and Rejuvenation, Part 1 


Enjoy this great wisdom for our self-healing journey. To know how our bodies work in alignment with Mother Earth and all Universes will help us to heal and transform our light bodies at a very rapid pace. 

Have a blessed day...Aloha!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Opening Your Soul Language Channel with Master Sha

Practice! Practice! Practice!! They key to opening your soul language! As I remember the first time my soul language came out...such a strange noise. What a feeling!!! It was amazing and beautiful, I cried and cried. I was filled with so much joy and happiness realizing the next step on my soul journey has begun. I am honored to be able to communicate using soul language. I hope that you too can bring out your soul language!!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Divine Love for All Animals!

Dearest Beloved Children of the Earth,

I love you more than words can say.

You are my light.

You are my breath of love.

To hold all creatures of the Earth in the highest regard is to hold me in the highest light.

I am the creatures of the night. I am the deer, the bear, the buffalo. I am the eagle. I am the hawk. I am the worm and cockroach. I am your cat and dog. I am the fish in the sea. I AM.....

Honor all animals! If you eat the animals I ask you to honor life as I honor your life. They have given their life for your life. 

Honor all life

Honor all love

Love always, Divine

Dear Divine 

I love you, honor you and deeply appreciate you

Please bless the plants and animals that have given their life for my nourishment

I am honored to receive their nourishment

I can not thank you enough

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Boosting Kundalini Power with Dr. and Master Sha

                  Boost your kundalini to gain more energy and to become a powerful manifestor.
                   The kundalini energy center feeds energy to your spinal column, kidney's, brain and third eye. We are so blessed to have this powerful soul healing technique to use to heal and transform all life! I love you all!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Renew, Rebalance, Restore your energy through Soul Song and Soul Dance!

I love to dance. Throughout my years I have used dance in many different forms to exercise and most of all to express my feelings to connect with my body and all that is. When I was separated from Divine I was going through heavy spiritual testing and lost my connection to my dance for over 5 years. I could not feel the music anymore. I was so sad and had lost so many loved ones in my life.

It wasn't until I heard the Love Peace and Harmony Soul Song that Master Sha had sung in Hilo on June 21, 2012 at his free Soul Healing Miracle evening. That day brought so much light and love into my life. That day was the day I found my spiritual father, the one who has been so generous and loving to me, so supportive beyond my comprehension.

So when I found out Master Sha has offered Soul Dance events my soul is beyond blessed! I am so honored to have the dance flow through my being when I connect to the music and all that is. To be able to connect and deeply feel the love that Divine and the music that Master Sha brings forth is amazing. Enjoy this video and ask for a blessing, you can receive miracle healing as you just watch and listen. I love you!

I know deep in my heart that the Soul Song, Soul Dance retreats, blessings, wisdom, knowledge has truly saved my life. This type of soul healing gives me deep honor to serve in this way, so all souls will know the love of Master Sha and Divine.  Soul Dance has helped me to balance my emotions when I needed to. Soul dance has brought new life into all that I am, all that I see and feel. Soul Dance has restored and renewed all my senses, my thoughts, my beliefs, my feelings. Open you heart to receive the blessings of Soul Dance and Soul Song. Open your heart to be one with all that is. I love you!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Soul Language Heals and Transforms

  Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow. 
Transform the soul first; then transformation of every aspect of life will follow. 
- Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Soul frequency transforms the frequency of one's heart, mind, body. Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. Forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace. Compassion boosts energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity. Light heals, prevents sickness, rejuvenates, prolongs life, and transforms every aspect of life including relationships and finances.- Divine Soul Songs

When we bring out our soul language and soul song we are able to communicate with Divine and our spiritual fathers and mothers, all souls. I feel it is a very transformative practice that I love doing! My soul language and soul song has changed as my soul language and soul song channel opens more and more, year by year. I am able to sing the most beautiful songs and also I am serving all souls when I sing using my soul language and soul song channel. The soul is uplifted every time we sing our soul song. I am honored. Keep at it and it will come! It took me a few months of practice with San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu before my soul song was singing! Love you all!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tapping for Ming Men

Ming Men tapping is the key practice to healing and transforming all aspects of your total being including kidneys, liver, spleen, spinal column, kundalini. Ming Men means life gate. Enjoy this powerful teaching from 
I am so honored to share this teaching video with you. Practice, Practice, Practice and you will know the powerful healing that can take place with the Soul Healing techniques of Master Sha.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. If you have questions or comments please share! It is powerful service when we share our experiences. I love you all!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Opening your Spiritual Channels

The videos in this Developing your Soul Houses series is to open your Seventh Soul House and open your spiritual channels to align you to Heaven, your Heaven's team and all the Divine Holy Beings who are waiting for you to connect with them so they can help us heal and transform every aspect of life. Please watch the videos to help you open your spiritual channels and balance your soul houses.

Now practice balancing and energizing all of the soul houses together.

Join with Master Sha for a FREE Tao Healing Miracle Evening register today at 

Join me next week to study and understand the most important energy center...the MING MEN!!! Thank you for joining me on this journey of love and light! I love you all!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Develop and Expand your Sixth Soul House


 Welcome to Developing and Expanding the Sixth Soul House. Enjoy the videos over and over to bring the greatest amount of light, love, forgiveness and compassion to your sixth soul house. Please feel free to comment or share your experiences with these practices.


 Receive the powerful Wu Ji Da Tao Soul Healing blessings from Dr. and Master Sha. Please feel free to comment or share on Dr. and Master Sha's Facebook page.

Have a blessed day or night wherever you may be in the World. Love to you all!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Develop the Sixth Soul House

I am spiritually awake! Allow yourself the time everyday to fully
integrate your spiritual practices into your life. To awaken to your
source of healing within the body. This area of the Sixth Soul House
includes the  spiritual Third-Eye. Dr. and Master Sha teaches us that in
order to have a stable and fully functioning third-eye we must fully
develop our Lower Dan Tian, Kundalini and Message Center to provide a
sturdy energy foundation for our third-eye to open and function
properly. Third-eye visions can drain your energy quickly. It is always
good to have your foundation energy practices in place and make sure you
are grounded to Mother Earth. I will bring forth these practices for
you in the next series of expanding energy. If you are ready to work
with your sixth soul house I recommend you practice with Master Sha and
his video on developing the Sixth Soul House.  I love you and wish you
have a blessed week!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Self-Healing of the Fifth Soul House

Aloha! and Welcome again to this 7 part series to open, expand, and balance the Soul Houses or Chakras in the body. Today we will be learning a powerful self-healing technique brought forth from the Divine Soul Song book by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.

We will be focusing on self-healing the throat area, including the thyroid and parathyroid glands, larynx, and vocal cords. If you have any unhealthy conditions in these organs or in the Fifth Soul House this is how to use the Divine Soul Song of Xi to self-heal.

We will use the Four Power Techniques™ 

Body Power: Sit up straight, back free and clear of your chair. Feet flat on the floor with heals touching. Place your two hands with your fingertips touching, creating a pyramid in front of your throat. If you are unable to do this you may stand with feet shoulder width apart or you may lay down. If you lay down do not chant out load as this will drain your energy.

Mind Power: Visualize a golden light ball rotating in your first soul house. This visualization builds the energy from your first soul house and builds the momentum of energy and pushes it up to the fifth soul house. The first soul house feeds all the other energy centers in your body.

Sound Power: Xi pronounced (she) is the sacred sound for the Fifth soul house. We will use the Divine mantra that Dr. and Master Sha gives us in the Divine Soul Songs book on page 175.

Soul Power: Say Hello™
Say hello to the inner souls:
Dear the soul of my fifth soul house
Dear the soul of my throat area, my vocal cords, my larynx, my glands, and thyroid,
I love you, honor you and deeply appreciate you, 
you have the power to heal yourself,
Do a good job
Thank you

Say Hello to the outer souls:
Dear Divine
Dear Tao, the Source
Dear Master Sha
Dear all my spiritual fathers and mothers in all layers of Heaven and upon Mother Earth
Dear my Heaven's team 
Dear my own soul
Dear the Divine soul of the Divine Soul Song Xi
I love you, Honor you and deeply appreciate you
Please offer me a healing and rejuvenation of my fifth soul house
I am very grateful 
Thank you

Now sing or chant the words:
Xi ya
Xi ya Xi Ya You
Xi Ya Xi Ya You
Xi Ya Xi Ya Xi Ya You
Xi ya Xi Ya Xi Ya Xi Ya you

Repeat these lines for the next 5 to 10 minutes

Now listen to the Divine Blessing from Master Sha to expand your fifth soul house.

Hao! Hao! Hao! means perfect, get well in Mandarin
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all the souls that came to bless us everyday in every way!
We are One, We are One! We are One! We are one with all souls in all universes.
Gong Song, Gong Song, Gong Song, means respectfully return home.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I send my love to you all and my heartfelt wish is for all souls to open and expand their energy centers to bring about a life of healing, transformation and rejuvenation. If you have any questions or need further assistance with these practices connect with me using the contact form and I look forward to serving your soul journey. Aloha! Aloha! Aloha!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Opening the Heart brings Joy and Happiness

Why do we ant to open our Heart Center? Our heart chakra or fourth soul house is the energy center where we carry our karma for our family and love relationships, our financial karma, and our connection with Divine and our spiritual fathers and mothers. To open the heart and fully expand this energy center can bring so much joy and happiness into your life.

I always enjoy opening my heart more. To see life with an open heart changes everything. To be able to hold love for all souls is a very Divine quality. If you practice and work on expanding this energy center you will notice your relationships could become more loving, your finances could flourish, you can reach enlightenment faster, your spiritual channels could open so you can have a better relationship with Divine. It is all up to you to open your heart and say YES, I want to receive the light into my heart Divine, thank you!!!

Enjoy this Tao song from Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha to help you open and expand your Message Center.

Love and Light to you on your journey to expanding your energy centers!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Soul Movement for the Third Soul House

Aloha! Aloha! Aloha! Soul Movement for the third soul house or third chakra is what we will be focusing on expanding our energy center this week.

The third soul house is important because it is the last one for a souls to pass through on its journey to enlightenment. When a soul reaches this level it has made real progress. Soul are quite happy to have moved to this level. They are very eager to advance further because they know the next step is their enlightenment.-pg. 131 Divine Soul Songs by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Let us practice soul movement to expand our third soul house and remove soul blockages that can prevent the soul from moving along on the enlightenment journey. Apply the Four Power Techniques taught to us by Master Sha.

Body Power: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Place both your hands on your third soul house, right above the navel. relax your knees. Breath deep into your lower abdomen. Now ask your soul to guide your movement and bring forth your Soul dance. As you start to move your soul will guide you as to the best movement for you and your healing practice. This could be just your arms or legs, as movement is very important for expanding the energy centers. If you have a cd of Love Peace and Harmony use this music to also guide your movement. you can download it here. Divine Love Peace Harmony Soul Song

Mind Power: We will visualize golden, rainbow, purple, crystal light radiating in your third soul house.

Sound Power: Chant your soul language or a favorite mantra of your choice. You may chant Divine Light and Love.

Soul Power: You may follow silently or aloud

Let us Say Hello to our Inner souls:  

Dear the soul of my third soul house
I love you, honor you, and deeply appreciate you
You have the power to heal and rejuvenate
You have the power to fully expand
Do a good job
Thank you

Let us say Hello to the outer souls:

Dear Divine,
Dear Tao
Dear Source
Dear all my spiritual Fathers and Mothers in Heaven and Mother earth
Dear countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes
Dear my Heaven's Team
Dear all my Divine Treasures---all souls have Divine Downloads
Dear the Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony
Dear the Divine Love Peace Harmony Rainbow Light Ball
I love you, honor you and deeply appreciate you
Please come to sit in my third soul house
Please remove any blockages that I may have in this area
Please heal, rejuvenate and fully expand my third soul house
I can not honor or thank you enough
Do a good job
Thank you!

Now Move! Allow your soul and the music to bring forth your Soul Dance for the next 15 minutes or longer. Enjoy! Please post your comments or questions in the comments section below. Thank you for your light and love!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Opening the Second Soul House

Opening the Second Soul House is vital for expanding our energy centers to raise the frequency and vibrations in our body and transforming all aspects of life.
I invite you to join me in a practice that will expand and energize your second soul house.

Let us now apply Body Power and  the Four Power Techniques, sit up straight back free and clear of the chair, feet flat on the floor, hands gently placed in your lower abdomen. This position aligns our body with the Divine frequencies and Divine light to be poured into our body from Heaven above and Mother Earth below.

Mind Power, let us visualize a beautiful Golden Ball rotating counterclockwise in the second soul house.
Sound Power, chant or sing "Sha's Golden Healing Ball" or "Divine Light and Love"
Soul Power, say hello:

Dear Divine, all layers of the Divine,
Dear the Tao, all layers of the Tao,
Dear the Source, all layers of the Source,
Dear Sha's Golden Healing Ball,
Dear all of my Spiritual Fathers and Mother's in layers of Heaven and Mother Earth,
Dear my Heaven's Team,
I love you, Honor you and deeply appreciate you
Please come to sit in my second soul house to remove the soul blockages and fully expand my second soul house. I can not thank you enough!

Now chant or sing for the next ten minutes visualizing Golden Light radiating and harmonizing your second soul house.

"Sha's Golden Healing Ball"
"Sha's Golden Healing Ball"
"Sha's Golden Healing Ball"

Hao! Hao! Hao!
Aloha! Aloha! Aloha!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Gong Song!Gong Song! Gong Song!

Be well friends and may your second soul house fully expand and heal all that is within you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Expanding the First Soul House

Expanding the first soul house or root chakra is a important practice for boosting immunity, stamina, vitality, and energy. When our first soul house has blockages or is closed we can experience difficult relationships, fatigue, obesity, financial challenges, depression and anxiety to name a few. The practice below has been taught to us by Dr. and Master Sha. This is one way to expand and fully develop your first soul house.

We will apply the Four Power Techniques™ 

Body Power- Sit up straight keeping your back free and clear of the chair (or you may sit lotus or half lotus position). Feet flat on the floor. Place both hands on the root chakra area or lower abdomen. Where you place your hands is where the healing light will be focused.

Mind Power- Visualize a golden ball rotating counterclockwise in your first soul house expanding this area and fully developing the first soul house.

Sound Power- We will chant "Sha's Golden Healing Ball fully develops my first soul house, thank you"

Soul Power- 
Say hello to the inner souls-
Dear soul, mind and body of my first soul house,
I love you, honor you and deeply appreciate you.
You are the foundation energy center for all the other energy chakras and the whole body
You have the power to expand and fully develop.
Do a good job
Thank you!
Say hello to the outer souls:
Dear Divine, all layers of the Divine
Dear Tao, all layers of the Tao
Dear Source, all layer of the Source
Dear Sha's Golden Healing Ball,
I love you, Honor you, and deeply appreciate you
Will you please come and sit in my first soul house to expand and fully develop my first soul house.
Thank you!

Now let us chant for the next 10 minutes

"Sha's Golden Healing Ball fully expands my first soul house, thank you"
"Sha's Golden Healing Ball fully expands my first soul house, thank you"
"Sha's Golden Healing Ball fully expands my first soul house, thank you"

Hao! Hao! Hao! Hao means perfect or be well in Chinese.

We will say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Love you, Love you, Love you to all the souls that came to bless our first soul house. Please respectfully return to your abode...Gong song, Gong song, Gong song.

Thank you for being here! Please share your experiences or comments on how this practice has expanded your first soul house. I love you!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Expand and Heal your organs and energy centers

Dr. and Master Sha: Chinese Gong Treasure Major Organs and Energy Center...:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Opening the heart

Enjoy this amazing documentary about Soul Healing Miracles with Dr. and Master Sha

To apply Soul Healing Techniques is to benefit not just the physical body but the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well. I have experienced many transformations within all of these aspects of my life. I am able to have more intelligent relationships, more of an understanding why I have challenges in my life and more. 

Soul Healing has brought me to a greater awareness of how my body and emotions are linked to my soul and when I give my soul the authority to heal I find that I am functioning at a higher frequency and vibration that allows me to fully experience life! 

My most favorite experience with Soul Healing has been my heart center expansion. I am honored to share my blessings of heart center expansion with you. 

I am offering a 2 minute Tao Love Jin Dan Blessing to you for opening your Heart Center.....Blessing soul is chanting for you...sit and relax for two minutes.

Visualize a Golden Light Ball rotating counterclockwise in your message center.

Tao Love Jin Dan 
Tao Love Jin Dan
Tao Love Jin Dan
Tao Love Jin Dan

Hao! Hao! Hao! means get well in Mandarin. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Opening the Heart Center will bring your soul to have a more open relationship with Divine and your Heaven's Team. It is truly an amazing experience to have a more of a connection to Divine and our own soul. I love you! Be Light Be love!

Please share your experiences with me as we continue on our soul healing journey together.